Oleg Zabluda's blog
Friday, November 04, 2011
French fries = Freedom fries
French fries = Freedom fries
French curl = Freedom curl
French kiss = Freedom kiss
French curve = Freedom curve (Лекало)
French horn = Freedom horn
French maid = Freedom maid
French bread = Freedom bread
French doors = Freedom doors
French perfume = Freedom perfume, or Eau De Freedom
French whore = Freedom whore
French bread = Freedom bread
French coffee = Freedom coffee
French press = Freedom press

And, since Russia and Germany are also against the war with Iraq, let's change some more stuff...

Russian roulette = Freedom roulette
Hamburger = Freedom sandwich
Frankfurter = Freedom tube meat sandwich
German measles = Freedom measles
German shepherd = Freedom shepherd

This seems to be the canonical source, which I edited above


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