Oleg Zabluda's blog
Friday, November 04, 2011
1. Long time ago Anna Lanski went to an animal shelter for a cat or two. She saw 2 adorable fluffy kittens, a brother and sister. She said:
- Какие пушистенькие, I want those!
- Those are Maine Coon.
- Main kun, Mane schmoon, who cares. Gimme, gimme, the more the better.
1 year later:
- WTF?

2. In Boulder, Colorado, a Maine coon encounters a slightly larger cat:
- WTF?
A mother simply brought over her kitten on a playdate.
The mother could have been the one who earlier killed a German shepherd and pulled it over a 6-foot fence. Нашла коса на камень. Отольются кошке мышкины слёзки. Let it be the lesson to all cat chasers everywhere.


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