Oleg Zabluda's blog
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
When meeting with Alex Richter last time, he was all excited about some comet.
When meeting with Alex Richter last time, he was all excited about some comet.
- "Oh, look", he was saying, "it's in Hercules, mag +7 already!"
I had to explain to him that, although, of course, we'd take a look, we just can't get all that excited, because

После Кометы Якутаке,
Остальные нам до сраки.

Hyakutake was the best,
We don't care for the rest.


It was March of 1996. We borrowed a 10" Dobsonian telescope from the PennState Astronomy Club, where were were members, and drove into the forest meadow we favored for stargazing . It was cold, everything covered with snow. The comet was mag 0, coma was 2 degrees, with 90 degree tail. It was moving so rapidly that it covered the diameter of the moon in 30 min (that's 2x faster then the moon itself). It was easy to see the comet flying against the background stars into our 10" telescope. It is coming back in 70000 years.

Sorry, Alex, we are just hopelessly spoiled.

O Кометe Якутаке
(Остальные нам до сраки).

Были молоды мы, в браке,
Прозябали мы в бараке.
Жизнь поставила нас раком:
Нету денег на Монако.

Что грустить нам, горько плакать,
Проклинать судьбину-бяку?
В лес пойдём мы, как макаки,
Тёмной ночью, в полумраке,
Мы заляжем там в овраге,
Как свинюки, то есть хряки.

Про погоду не варнякать!
И не хрюкать!
И не крякать!
Только туч бы не накаркать!
- Эй, Марьяха!
- Бляха-муха! - Глянь, Комета!
- Ну, собака!
- Якутака!


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